Friday, February 10, 2012

Week 2

"Time flies when you're having fun". This saying truely reflects this past week. I can't believe I've been here two weeks arleady. But that's a good thing becuase it means I've been having a great time.

Last Saturday, Nancy, Anna, Philipe (Nancy's son), and I took a trip to Santiago. Santiago is about a 45 min drive from Jarabacoa....and it was raining. Not only was it raining, but the windshield wipers didn't quite work well. Once we got to Santiago, it was bright and sunny, and hot. Me and Anna spent some time at the mall; window shopping. Then we went to the big supermercado to do some grocery shopping. Nancy also took me to the Monument. It was built for when the Dominican Republic got their independence from Haiti. At the top of the monument you could look over the city. It was so pretty. It was also a tad bit windy outside. On our way back from Santiago we got some fresh coconut juice and HUGE grapes off the side of the street. I don't think I have ever seen grapes that big before in my life. Best treat ever :) That night
I went to one of my classmates house for a party. We did kareoke, dancing, and of course some food. Me and Melissa (one of my classmates) started off the kareoke with some good ol' Justin Beiber, that made people laugh. The music was so loud that the next day I could barley hear and my voice was almost gone from singing too much. And of course what's a party without some dancing. I didn't want to dance but my friends insisted. I kept on telling them I didn't know how (which is a lie). So they taught me how to merengue. I'm a shy person, but at this party I didn't feel the need to be shy. Never would I have thought of singing kareoke in front of people I barley even know. But I'm only here for a short while so I better make the best of it :) And I'm glad I reached out of my comfort zone, or else I would have never had such a great time.

Sunday I went up to Pierda Blanca where our good friends Joci and Miguel live with their three wonderful daughters. Joci picked me up on her motorcycle :) I spent practically the whole day with them visiting friends, walking around the community, playing monopoly, and being in their beautiful new home. Joci and Miguel recently have built a new house. In June, we took a missions trip down to the DR and helped build part of the house. It has defenitely improved since then. I was so happy to be sitting in their new home. I took lots of photos becuase I know people are going to want to see it. I love their family, and I'm so happy I have friends like them that are in my life. According to Joci, I am her "daughter". I am so glad that I can be apart of their family as well.

Tuesday was proabably one of the most fun and exciting days yet. I went to Young Life which is sort of like a youth group. I have never had so much fun before. It was an event night so we played the game clue. But it was life like. Adults had dressed up as celeberties and changed their names. Some of which included Brad Smitt, Rebecca White, Bustin Jeiber, and Beyonthay. They were placed all over Jarabacoa and we had to go and solve clues to find out who murdered Taylor Swift. So we ran all over the city. I guess this is what I get for not exercising in a while. We had to do silly tasks like sing "All The Single Ladies" for 30 seconds all together, flag down Justin Beiber on his moto and shout "I have Jeiber Fever!", and best of all, Lissette got to wear a diaper on head in the park. Don't worry it was bran new. We came in last but it was the best night yet. The teens are so energetic and lively. I have so much fun with them. I'm so ready for the next Young Life!

School is going great here. I feel really comfortable and my classmates are awesome. Surprisingly the class I find most difficult is English. Yes, I know English is my first language but it's still hard. For one question our answer had to be 300 words long. I about freaked out but I got it done. Another thing is my school day is 7am-3pm. Each class is an hour long. So I'm not quite use to sitting in each class for an hour, but alteast the students make it interesting. It's been a pretty good two weeks so far and can't wait for more weeks to come :)

- Katie

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