Thursday, February 2, 2012

El Primero Dias de la Escuela

When you go on trips, you have to be open to new things right? So does that mean I have to be open to going to school at 7:00am? I guess so. Doulos (my school) starts their day from 7:00am and goes til 3:00pm. A whole hour longer than what I’m use to. But at least the classes are fun. There are only 10 students in my Junior class. Not just my math class, my GRADE. So going from 230 students at Western to only 10 is a bit of a difference. But I love the people in my class
and everyone is like family. I ‘m really excited to get to know everyonebetter. Since I ca
n't speak Spanish fluently, I have a Spanish tutor. Nelly is from Colombia, and ONLY speaks Spanish. There are two other students in my class though, Kaden and Adam who are 10 and 11 years old. They know more spanish than me so they help translate a lot. They are two very hyper little boys. It can be frustrating at times when I don't understand what Nelly is saying or I can't find the words to speak. Sometimes I wish that the language could just roll off my tounge. But it's only my first week and I know it'll get easier with time.
Like I said, there are only about 10 students, including myself, in the entire 11th grade. We are basically a family. Everyone is comfortable with each other and no one is afraid to embarass themselves. I love it. I would describe the students in classroom as: loud, crazy, personal, funny, energetic, brotherly sisterly love, and passionate. The students have really made me feel welcomed and made it easy to be myself. I actually like participating in class discussions, asking questions, and being in school. Wow, you'll never here that from me again. It's a totally different environment, it's fresh and new. If I could, I would bring Doulos to the states. Either that or my parents and I can just move down here :) dad? Well, that might not be very possible but I plan on soaking up every moment I have here. I can't wait for me next eight weeks of school!

1 comment:

  1. I'm SO excited for you, what a great experience! Be safe and work on that tan :o) Love, Heather
