Saturday, March 3, 2012

Beach Bummin....once again :)

Why hello there oh wonderful beach! Yes, I get to spend two weekends in a row at the beach :) It's Independence day weekend here in the Dominican and everyone seemed to have wanted to come and soak up the sun. We stayed in Cabarrete with my host mom and sister (Nancy and Ana), Anna's two older siblings Felipe, and Nancy, Nancy's boyfriend and his sister and mom, and Ana's friend Jederi. Cabarrete is in Puerta Plata and this weekend there was an international surfing or parasailing competition, something like that. So when we were driving you could see all the parasails out in the water. It was really pretty. We rented a house for all of us to stay in. The house had a pool whcich was nice, and a jacuzzi that didn't have warm water but it was still fun with the jets.
We weren't directly on the beach but we just had to take a 7 min walk and we were there. The waves were really big, and it looked kind of dangereous so we didn't go in. Plus it was 5 in the evening so we didn't really want to swim. Anna and Jederi had cameras so we took pictures. Anna thought she saw a guy who is an actor on a T.V show here called Chevere Nights. But she wasn't sure. So we went and described him to Nancy (Ana's older sister). She confirmed that it was him and said that I should get my picture taken with him. So I was like okay lets go! I'll never see him again so whats the harm. Well saying it is a lot easier than actually doing it. Me and Anna walked back and forth for 5 minutes deciding if we should ask or not. At one point we were hiding behind a rock. Finally I worked up the nerve to ask. So we leisurly walk over and I ask, "Excuse me sir, are you Sergio Carlos?" his reply, "Yes, I am." "Ok, Iv'e seen you on the show Chevere Nights before." This was a complete lie, never before in my life have I ever watched this show or have heard of this guy until 10 min ago. It was also weird because I'm not Dominican, and here I am an American saying that I've seen this guy on T.V. So finally I ask him, "Could I get my picture taken with you?" and he says... "Yes of course!" SCORE! 20 seconds of bravery does you good sometimes. I normally don't do this kind of thing. But I am never going to see this guy again and why miss out on a chance of getting your picture taken with some famous guy whose not that bad looking? So yes, I have met Sergio Carlos :) After all that excitement me and Anna couldn't stop laughing, and we just ran down the beach. I don't know why we ran, probably becuase we were so giddy.
The next day we drove to another beach close by.....and there were a lot of people. The whole beach was crowded with people and umberella tops. The water was so pretty. It was clear but had a tourquoise tint to it. Oh, and it was warm. We walked on the beach, burried each other in the sand. And took a banana boat ride. We were flipped off and it took us about 10 min to try to get back on the stupid banana. Its harder than you would think. And of course I got a little burnt. We ate lunch on the beach too. Everyone had fish, but me and Jederi don't really care for fish so we had chicken and french fries. There was so much. We both had 4 pieces of chicken and half of our plates were full of french fries. I ate all of mine :) The sun really drains your energy so for the rest of the day I was dead. I got to try some sugar cane which was good. I thought you could eat it but you actually just chew it, suck all the sugar up, then spit out. Kinda gross, but good. After we came home and got all cleaned and de-sanded ourselves, we went out to eat on the beach. There were restaurants that light up all along the beach. We kept on saying that it reminded us of a night club becuase there were blue, green, and red lights everywhere. But don't worry it was a restaurant. We had some delicious pizza and soda.
By the time the third day arrived, the horrible feeling of homesickness began to kick in. Its just a wonderful feeling that makes you oh so happy and want to just jump around. Nope, I sat and listened to my Jesus music trying to cheer me up. No luck. I realized that I was at first trying to ignore the feeling and to go on as usual. But sometimes its okay just to feel sad and to miss my home and family. This is the first time I've felt homesick on this trip, which is pretty good considering I've been here for 5 weeks. I recognized the feeling and knew that I was going to get out of my slump, I just needed a little time. And sure enough I'm all better. Going back to school the next day and seeing all the bright and shining faces of my friends really helped. I had a wonderful time at the beach but it's good to be back in good o'l Jarabacoa.

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