Sunday, December 18, 2011

The Scoop

I consider the Dominican Republic my second home. I have lived there when I was 5 years old when my parents decided to pack up our family to help volunteer at YWAM. That one little trip has made the biggest impact on our lives. We have visited frequently and grown in our relationships with our Dominican friends. We fell in love the Dominican and the people of the country. I always look forward to going back and visiting. Usually when we visit we lead a missions team and stay for about 10 days. This time, my trip will be a 2 month long journey by myself. I am looking forward to new memories, friends, adventures, and fun. I can't wait to experience the Lord in a whole new way and how He will use me. I would appreciate the prayers as I will be without my immediate family for the fist time, and traveling by air on my own. I trust the Lord with all my heart and hope this will be a trip to remember.